Times, they are a changin!!!
While perusing msn.com this morning, I ran across an article about Wal-Mart discontinuing their lay-a-way operations. And while I've not used lay-a-way for quite some time, I always enjoyed knowing that the option was there. If you're interested in the article.....
The article reminds me of how far God has brought me. No, I don't have my mansion on a hill yet, but I am not longer below the poverty level. At the same time it saddens me to think of all the people who used lay-a-way, and not because they're cheap but because they don't have the money or resources (credit cards, Christmas club or other avenues) to go out and purchase necessary items or simply wanted items for times such as Christmas.
Of course the Scrooge in me says that if they can't afford it then they probably shouldn't be buying it in the first place, but hey this is America. We all want what we can't afford. I know single mothers who use lay-a-way at Wal-Mart each year to ensure that their kids have a happy Christmas morning. I wonder what those mothers will use this year or next year? Maybe I need to adopt a family and ensure that they have a decent Christmas...hmmm. I'll put a pen in that one and come back to it.
Been a pretty busy week. Trying to fight the battle of junk mail and I think we may be winning. I tackled the job of straightening up my office at home last night. After three bags of stuff to shred and 3 bags of junk to throw away, I think we may see the light at the end of the tunnel. Though that's just one room. We have several to go. Pray for us as we fight the battle of junk.
Exercising has been tough this week. I seemed to have hurt the calf/shin of my right leg. I think it may just be a temporary thing, nothing that I need to go under the knife for, but it sure hurts like heck!
ok, i have work to do now...holla!