Poor Neglected Blog
I must repent. I must repent now and openly. I must repent for neglecting my blog for so long. It hasn't been a lack of activitiy or a lack of desire to blog, but just plain laziness that kept me from blogging. In my absence, I have found several new blogs that I like to read daily. And I must confess that I get a little peeved when they don't update daily. All the while I leave my own space over here gathering dust and cuck-a-bugs. How sad am I? I'm a bad blog daddy....
Let's see...what's new in my life....hmmmm. Oh, we've sold our house and bought another one. We should be closing on both within the next few weeks. Have I ever told you guys how much I hate moving? If not, please let me say I HATE MOVING! The whole deal. Packing, moving, unpacking. It is so unappealing, but the wife wants new space. And I want, well u know, so I'm giving her new space.
What else? Work still sucks, except there's this person who sexually harasses me. I used to think that I'd love to be harassed, but now that I'm on the receiving end of butt grabs and language that's not proper, it makes me sad. In the words of a really good friend "too bad she's a whore." There's not much more to say on that subject. I'm trying to avoid her until her feeling of lust passes. Who knew that working out 5 days a week would make strange women throw their coochies at you like you were the wide receiver of some football team?
I'm still trying to drop down to 200 lbs. I weighed earlier today and that scale said that I weighed 214 or 212, I can't really remember. But I can remember hugging the steel scale and kissing the little sliding thing at the top. I think it was inappropriate, but hey who cares. None of you told me that I'd lost some weight! Am I a whore now, a scale whore? How sad!
Oh, on the work scene, I was named the Associate of the Month during a meeting earlier today. It kinda makes me sad, because if I'm supposed to be a model employee and I spend like 2/3 of my day avoiding work then this place is in big trouble. I guess I'm a good faker. Let's hope I can keep it up!
Ok, I'm all blogged out for now...bbl. I promise.
No really this time I'm for real, I will be back.
What a funny blog. I have a few comments:
1. What's a Chuck-a-bug?
2. I'm sorry that coochies are being thrown around so freely. I hereby promise never to throw my coochie at you.
3. You can make out with the scale if you want to, but it's never going to love you back.
4. Congrats on your Ass. of the month award. I felt the same way the last time I got the Ass. award.
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