One wish....
Is it possible to have only one wish?
I started the thought process for this blog by trying to pinpoint my one wish. The one thing that I'd wish for over anything else. And maybe I'm just extremely selfish or indecisive but I can't whittle down the many things that I would wish for. Is that weird? I want so much or so many different things that granting one wish may bring fulfillment to one area but wouldn't do a darn thing for the other areas of my life. Maybe I'm high maintenance....
Isn't it funny how you can think you want something, until you actually get it. And after you get it, you realize that it isn't the 'fun in a can' u thought it would be. I guess I'm experiencing that - somewhat.
Ya know what I like in people....honesty! Oh and a nice smell, but more than that honesty. It doesn't matter what you're honest about, just be honest for goodness sake. Quit hiding behind thinly veiled lies and simple omissions. They only last for so long. I have friends and acquaintances who are not even familiar with their own truth. Wouldn't know it if it hit them upside the head, but they are quick to point out falsehoods in my funny!
Ok, enough random stuff. Somethings just need to be said - now I can move on.
I'm still being harassed at work. When will people be able to see beyond my mind blowing sexiness. It's such a curse to be so fine. But hey, somebody's got to do it, might as well be me. The perpertrator is actually more annoying than anything. It's like they are attention starved or something and will do anything to get a lil bit - of attention that is.
Moving around the 15th of November. Should probably start packing sometime soon, but ugh I hate the thought of packing & moving. But I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. Anybody wanna help. I'll provide the pizza, beer, boxes & tape. You provide the labor. If that sounds good to you, gimme a call. I would put my number out here, but hey I already have one stalker.
I was sooo cute for church on Sunday. You should have seen me. It was like GQ had done a layout and I was the centerfold. I was so hot I wanted to rub myself, but since it was church I had to wait until I got home. I'll have to find a picture somewhere and post it. I see why people grab my butt and make lewd suggestive comments in my ear when no one else is around. For real ya'll, I was on another stratosphere fine. It was wonderful. When I get my hair plugs to cover up the part of my head that refuses to produce hair, its gon be on! I'm gon be too hot to handle & too cold to hold!
Speaking of cold, I'm freezing my nards off right now. It's freaking cold up here. My hands are too cold to scratch where I inevitably will itch. My nose is running and I'm gassy. I have so many problems....
Pray for me...