A Journey to Find Me

Monday, August 07, 2006

Security Sucks!!!!

First things first, why does an employer make an employee take some stupid security course online and take some stupid 3rd grade course on security. I got 90% correct, but I can promise you that I know even less (and care less than that) about security than I did when I started the course. Something is wrong with that!

I had a pretty interesting weekend. Friday night I hung out with some cronies from my workplace. It is always interesting the conversations that we have and the places that we end up. The night started out with promise as we had dinner and shared a few workplace riddles and rhymes over a couple of beers and some good food. Then we progressed to the Fox & the Hound where we shot pool for literally hours. We must've shot a million games of pool. Much fun was had. We met up with an old girlfriend of one of the guys I was with and her lesbian friend (who had platinum blond spiked hair) and kept telling us how she could please this woman and that woman. More drinks were consumed and the conversation only got more interesting. After we left there, we ventured off and just rode around for a bit before I had to call it a night. All in all, a good time was had by all.

Saturday I slept in and caught up on some rest and just chilled. I missed both funerals & the wedding and just spent some time with myself (mostly sleeping mind you).

Sunday I went shopping with my little brother. And let me tell ya sumpthin, I think I'm addicted to shopping. I like clothes, and if it wasn't for the fact that they want to make u give them money before you can leave the store, I'd have soooo much more. I would wear something new each day.

Hi, my name is Arthur & I'm a shopaholic!


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