A Journey to Find Me

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Have I become just a weekly blogger? Say it ain't so!!!

I have so much to say, but between work, internet surfing and chillin out I find very little time to say it. I do make time to read other's blogs though, so keep the good stuff coming.

Let's see.....what's new? Oh, I'm so gassy. A little TMI, I'm sure, but I'm really gassy. This is no normal gas. It's the kind that wakes me up in the middle of the night and lingers around my cube and curls the nose hairs of my coworkers. I'm not sure of exactly what's causing it....but oooh it's killing me....literally.

What else...oh first 5k is 09/30. I'm really excited. I'm hoping to break 27:00:00. I still have a month left, and my best time for a flat 3 miles is 26:41:46, so I'm right on target. If you wanna cheer me on and heap accolades at my feet, please feel free to do so. I'm not shy about taking your compliments...seriously!

My brother has a birthday tomorrow. Yeah, my stank will be 9 years old. How funny...I can still remember when he was smaller than a loaf of Wonder bread and now he's almost a grown man. Well not really, but you catch my drift. He's my baby and he's growing up. I have no idea what I'm going to get him, probably a gift card. That'll make him feel all grown up and stuff.

I hate telemarketers and senders of junk mail. My kitchen table is full of stuff, that I'm scared to throw away because what if I need it. My caller id is full of 'unknown names' - and I'm supposed to have some sort of block against that. Well, I guess it's not blocking. I need to check and make sure that I'm not paying for that..... I really get tired of cursing out telemarketers out. I try to be nice, I really do. But they don't seem to understand a simple 'NO thank you. I'm really not interested.' They're not happy until I yell repeatedly 'Hell, to da NAW' and hang up my cordless phone in their ears. And that always leaves me feeling a little empty on the inside because I know that they are simply trying to earn a living, and I can respect that. But I'd like for them to respect my right to say no. Please stop phone raping me. Trying to force your product into my pried shut, unopened & uninviting hands. No really does mean NO!



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