A Journey to Find Me

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Do we really have a choice?

I was reading earlier this morning and came upon this quote. I don't know who said it or really where it comes from, I just know that it spoke volumes to me:

"There are two choices really.You can either:
1) surrender to the pressures of life and the struggles of this particular battle, or
2) continue the fight, and do so with even more vengeance and determination to reach your goals then you did before.

Now let me preface this by saying that "this particular battle" will be different for each and every person who graces the face of this earth. Don't get caught up so much in the battle itself, but your reaction or your response to the battle.

I choose #2. I choose #2 in every area of my life that shows signs of weakness. I refuse to simply give up because it's too hard. I refuse to give up because its uncomfortable. I refuse to be beaten by something, anything just because I'm lazy or ignorant or just plain tired.

Surrendering seems so easy, especially at the onset of a war. How easy would it be to just get it over with. But once you surrender you basically become the slave or sit at the mercy of your captor. Is that anyway to live?

But to fight and TAKE your freedom or to take your destiny is so much more rewarding. I'm trying to lose weight now (that is no secret) but I often think about how easy and how much less tiring it would be to just stay like I was. I could eat what I want, when I want and in quantities that I want. But, for now, I'm pressing. I'm pressing my way to the gym, I'm pressing my way past fast food joints, I'm pressing my way into my kitchen to prepare healthy meals. Why? Because I refuse to be held captive and hostage in a body that I'm not at least somewhat happy with.....especially when I have the power to change it. There are thing that we are powerless to change, but if I can change it then it is up to me to make that turn. Every day isn't easy or even fun, but I know that I'm heading toward my destiny and so that provides a little fuel on days when I'd rather be eating @ Chik-Fil-A with Jenny!



At 8:58 AM, Blogger Mercy's Maid said...

I'm famous!


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