A Journey to Find Me

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Being proactive vs simply reacting

This is my second post for the day and though I usually only post once a day, both topics have been lingering in my psyche for the past couple of days and I needed to get them out, not because they were burning so hot but because I will forget them.

Do we (I) know the difference between being proactive (to prevent a situation) vs simply reacting to something that has already taken place? As I float through time and life I spend much of it reacting. This thing happens so in order to deal I do that...so on and so forth. I'm trying to become the person that looks ahead and sees the storm forming and turns my ship so that I can avoid the storm altogether.

Having a proactive attitude is more than being organized. It's more than simply thinking about what you are doing. It takes more than a fleeting thought. Being proactive means weighing the pro's & con's of any decision/action and choosing the best one for you. Being proactive doesn't mean that you won't hit the storm or the troubles - it doesn't even mean that what you choose will be the best decision, but it means that you will have a better chance of being prepared for the storm and it's outcome and therefore able to steer your way through it easier. Being proactive gives you more leverage in becoming the "master of your own destiny."

How many decisions do we make out of haste? How many actions do we perform before thinking it all the way through? Maybe we do think about it and in the end we decide that we just don't give a F**K about the fallout that it will cause. But in some cases that has to be better than waiting until after you make some dumb decision or take some stupid course of action and then stand there while your life is falling down around you crying, whining and whimpering. "I didn't think about this happening" or "I didn't want it to turn out this way," - that's what you'll be crying, but I won't be listening.

Earlier I talked about second chances...but they do eventually run out. Even the good Lord has a threshold that once you cross he'll release you until you're ready to come back....think Prodigal Son...no love loss but a release to do your own thing!

Just a tidbit of advice to me (and whoever else happens upon this)....BE PROACTIVE!! Don't simply let things happen to you....make then happen for you!


At 7:15 AM, Blogger Mercy's Maid said...

You're so smart! I really enjoy reading your blogs.

Thank goodness for second chances...and third...and fourth...


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