Is Ignorance Really Bliss?
I guess you can see a trend forming....I like to tackle cliches'. Things that we take for granted, or may have been saying for years and in some way make ourselves subconsciously believe.
I can never really say that I bought into the whole idea that being ignorant about something made me happy. Maybe because of my nature, which is to know the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth - so help me God. At all costs I want to know the truth. I want to know everything there is to know about everything...and no not just because I'm nosy (lol). I have a NEED to know and I'm really not joking.
There are things in my life right now that I feel ignorant about and I'm so far away from bliss - as a matter of fact I'm uneasy.
I very rarely take things at face value. I will mull over what a person says as well as what they take the time to leave out. People tend to forget that only roughly 10% of communication is verbal. So while you can say one thing with your mouth, your eyes can be telling a totally different story. Your mouth may speak good things but the way you tap your fingers are telling me of your disgust or your agitation. The way you grunt and nod your head is speaking volumes over the words you speak with your mouth.
So while I'm resting and flowing with the things that I don't know, I'm trying to tell myself that ignorance really is bliss. I'm trying to teach an old dog new tricks. It's hard to go against your very nature take things as someone else says it is, and not go on what you feel or what you think you know.
It's almost as if you're at war with yourself (and who needs another internal war)....
But to break it down, your heart is telling you that the sky is blue and that all is well. But your gut is reminding you of the last storm and how the sky was blue then too....until the storm clouds quickly moved in and the bottom fell out of the sky and you nearly drowned.
Somebody help me....tell me how to ignore the gut and go with the heart. It's easier said than done...though the benefits are soooo much greater. Tell me how to embrace bliss while being ignorant....I'm open to all.....
Seeking and hopefully finding....
Mystic Journeyer
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