A Journey to Find Me

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sweet Rest

That's what I need. That's what I want. That's what I'm missing right now. As much as I know that I should take time for myself and just rest, I just can't seem to make it happen. There is always something to do. A yard that needs mowing, a book that needs to be read, chores that need to be done. Something or someone always demands my time. It would be better if there was an end in site, but there is no end. My weekends (which are really the only time I can vision resting) are booked through the middle of June. I'm always fussing at my wife to take time for herself and invest into herself, but I can't find the time to smell my own tail....

I'm tired. I really am. Tired of what I don't know, but I am tired. Maybe rest will come, maybe not....but I can't quit yet. The ride is just getting started and I'm strapped in for the long haul.

Enough of the heavy stuff, what's been happening people?

Work has kicked up a notch, hopefully after we ship this next project I'll get a few minutes to breathe (and blog more).

It's almost summer time, are you ready? I am, I guess...but ready for what is the question. I have no big summer plans. It'll probably be spent like last summer...full of nothing.

Ok, I have so much to say, but I don't feel like rambling or whining so I'm going to end this and try to get my thoughts together. I'll get back to this, I promise.

Have a great one....


At 9:18 AM, Blogger Mercy's Maid said...

Please don't smell your own tail...


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