A Journey to Find Me

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I think that I just read the most disgusting thing ever. I often visit this message board for guys who are trying to lose weight. It is often filled with encouraging tips, recipes, and usually a bunch of guy stuff - since most diet plans are usually female centered. Anyway, there was a post today from this guy that made me throw up a little in my mouth. His question/comment centered around "Big Jim & the Guys"...and how he walks a minimum of 4 miles a day but has noticed recently that he has a jock itch type of thing. He went on to describe the itching and the smell and all of that other nasty stuff that makes me want to gag. He wondered what he could to do cut down on the 'wetness' he experiences from his workouts and how he could remedy that ailment. I wanted to ban him from the site, but I lacked the power hand down such judgment. Some things are just too yucky to discuss...even behind the veil of anonymity presented by cyberspace.

Ok, I did run last night. I did the walk 3/run 5 routine and it was quite rewarding. I didn't see my grandfather again yesterday, but I think that I was close. In other (just as exciting) news, I ran an entire mile without stopping. I sure did. I was up at 5:30 for my usual Tuesday morning workout and after my 5 minute warm-up I figured that I'd jog until my legs hurt and then I'd do the elliptical...well long story short as my five minutes came to an end I felt the running demon lurch in my stomach and I decided that I'd push it as far as I could. And a mile was as far as I could push it. I was immensely proud and horribly tired (and sore as all get out). But I went on after that to do another 2 miles on the treadmill...and though I ran after that spurt nothing quite measured up to that mile. Ain't life grand?

On another totally different topic, don't u hate bills. I mean gosh darn it - why does everyone who provides me a service automatically expect to get paid? Does no one do anything out of the goodness of their hearts anymore? I'm tired of their envelopes and their annoying phone calls when I neglect to pay them. Why can't they leave me alone? It's not like I hound them, I go along about my day without bothering them, is it too much to ask for a little reciprocity?

Another day, another blog. Hope you all have a great day!


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Mercy's Maid said...

So...um...did anyone have any advice on how to get rid of his problem? Just wondering...I don't need to know for personal reasons!


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