Simple Things....
I have realized that as I strive for greatness and completeness, I often forget to remember and enjoy the small things, the simple things. Things like vanilla ice cream or Frito chili pies. Okay, I am a little hungry for fattening foods, but really now. I'm talking about good ole conversations. Instead of flying off to the Bahamas what abt driving to granny's for the week. Instead of going to the IMAX or the Rave, why not watch old movies together so you can pause it and have dialogue about what's going on.
Simple things, like picnics and swinging in the park. I look towards the extravagant and look for ways to make things standout, but I'm making myself slow down and just dwell on the small things. Things that I would usually label insignificant or things that I would normally put on the back burner. I realize how much I love simple conversation...about the weather, about shopping. Not everything has to lend itself to deepness. It's okay to just have some idle chatter with someone you love.
Kissing a baby...even if it is ugly. Playing checkers instead of Grand Theft Auto. It doesn't have to be hard....just simple. Great joy often times comes from the smalles things.
I'm feeling a little nostalgic today...
Hope you people have a great weekend!
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